ChinaVoicemail - 语音信箱

4.4 ( 3694 ratings )
仕事効率化 ライフスタイル
開発者 SolutionExp Limited, Hangzhou

--"When I cannot answer your phone, just leave a message in my ChinaVoicemail!"
No more worry about missing important calls, bearing tedious greetings, or searching for the Caller ID, all because I have my personal voicemail.

Key features
·Notification of missed calls --ChinaVoicemail will notify you as soon as you have missed any call
·DIY greetings --besides the well-designed greetings of the system, you can record and upload your unique greeting.
·Voicemail --no more calling the secretary service to listen to your message, you can use the ChinaVoicemail client and listen any time.
·Quick reply--you can call back right after receiving the messages.
·Identification of Caller ID --you can see caller name and photo if they are in your address book.

·Requires IOS 5.0 or later
·Only support on CMCC, China Unicom and China Telecom, and ChinaVoicemail can only be used within mainland China.